Prince William and Kate planning to sent Prince George out of the palace by the orders from the…..for more details below

Because of a royal regulation declared many years ago to protect the monarchy, the recently-turned 11-year-old is almost certain to have to adhere to the same rule his dad did in 1994.
The directive was carried out when William was a child and he was told he was was no longer able to travel with his father, then the Prince of Wales, and brother Harry
George is now third in line to the throne and with Charlotte fourth, it means steps are soon to be taken – just in case the unimaginable happens. At present, Prince William is allowed to fly with his three children as they are so young, but this will change soon, and his dad will be on hand to offer plenty of advice. In the next 12 months, Prince George, who turned 11 last month, will see an alteration to his travel plans, but it remains to be seen if the lad will continue to go with his mother and siblings while his father uses a different plane or if the second-in-line to the throne will be the one to fly alone
While the rule can be broken with the monarch’s permission, it is discouraged to have two or more direct heirs travelling in the same plane as in the event of a crash the future of the monarchy would be immediately unstable. King Charles is unlikely to sanction a break with tradition. Speaking on HELLO Magazine’s A Right Royal Podcast, King Charles’ former pilot, Graham Laurie, opened up about the rule and how it affected a young Prince William when he turned 12. He told the hosts: “Interestingly, we flew all four: the Prince, the Princess, Prince William and Prince Harry, up until Prince William was 12 years old