Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and Meghan’s ex-boyfriend has unfolded like a gripping melodrama, captivating audiences worldwide. This extraordinary tale, filled with unexpected twists and turns, has...
It forms a lyric to one of her best known songs, but Taylor Swift still managed to divide a largely partisan crowd while issuing the rallying-cry...
In a heartwarming turn of events, NFL superstar Travis Kelce has captured the attention and hearts of fans worldwide by proposing to none other than pop...
In 2020, Harry and his wife Meghan Markle shocked the world by announcing they were quitting their roles as working royals and moving to North America....
Everything really has changed for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce since last summer. On July 6 the power couple—who are coming up on their one-year anniversary—shared...
Taylor Swift’s historic Rhode Island mansion, “High Watch,” priced at $ 17 million, spans 11,000 sq ft with 8 bedrooms and 10+ bathrooms. Overlooking 700 feet...
Prince William is reportedly already planning for his future reign as king, and it seems that those plans don’t involve his estranged brother Prince Harry and...
Meghan Markle has been issued a warning about her trip to Nigeria with Prince Harry as one royal expert believes she could come across as “patronising”....
Beyoncé and Taylor Swift showed the world in late 2023 that while they may be competing against one another in many ways, they also support each...
Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany Mahomes, are currently overseas with the children this Fourth of July weekend. The couple was spotted...