Pierwsza wygrana Polek na mistrzostwach. Grały w osłabieniu
Sports Review Hockey on Grass First win of Polish women at the championship. They played in weakness The first Polish victory at the championship. They played in weakness Reprezentacja Polski w hokeju na trawie Polish national field hockey team (Photo: Jakub Barański / Polish hockey players on the grass beat Thailand 1-0 (1-0) in…
Sports Review Hockey on Grass First win of Polish women at the championship. They played in weakness The first Polish victory at the championship. They played in weakness Reprezentacja Polski w hokeju na trawie Polish national field hockey team (Photo: Jakub Barański / Polish hockey players on the grass beat Thailand 1-0 (1-0) in…
Polish hockey players on the grass beat Thailand 1-0 (1-0) in their second group match of the World Indoor Championships held in the Croatian Porec. On Thursday, the next rival of Krzysztof Rachwalski’s team will be South Africa.
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The duel with the Asians perfectly worked out for the White-Reds, which after one of the first actions gained the lead. Amelia Katerla perfectly matched Monika Chmiel, who completed the formalities up close, scoring her second goal in the tournament. The Polish women had a clear advantage, but they did not create too many opportunities. The best chance of raising the result was Marlena Rybacha, who from a penalty shootout hit the post.
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A little more emotions brought the end of the meeting. Viktoria Zimmermann received a yellow card and rivals played in numerical advantage, but they could not cope with the solid defense of the Polish national team.
In the first match of the tournament, the Polish women drew with Austria 1-1.
Poland wins against Thailand at HMW in field hockey
There are 12 national teams in the championship. Two top teams from three groups and two teams from third places with the best balance will advance to the quarterfinals. The other participants will fight for 9-12 deposits.
W Porecu równolegle rozgrywane są halowe MŚ mężczyzn z udziałem polskich hokeistów. Podopieczni Dariusza Rachwalskiego po porażce z Austrią 2:6 na inaugurację turnieju, we wtorek o godz. 18.20 zmierzą się z reprezentacją gospodarzy, Chorwacją.
Polska — Tajlandia 1:0 (1:0).
Bramka: Monika Chmiel (2).
Źródło informacji: Polska Agencja Prasowa
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